Registration Information:

To register one camper:
+ Fill out the form for your camper, click "Save Camper".
+ Follow the prompts to complete the registration process.

To register multiple campers in one family:
+ Fill out the form for the first camper, click "Save Camper".
+ Click the button to "Add another camper".
+ Follow the prompts to complete the registration process.

A few things to note:

  • We are now accepting all major credit cards for payment of registration fees
  • We are still accepting E-transfers, cheques, or cash, simply select this option at checkout.
  • There is a maximum capacity for each camp. The "Choose a Camp" dropdown menu will indicate how many spots are left in each camp.
  • If we reach capacity, any additional registrations will indicate "Waitlist". Please register as normal to be added to the waitlist. If a spot opens up, we will contact you as soon as we can.
  • Spread the word to register early!

Questions? Contact: [email protected]

Media Permission

I understand group and activity photos will be taken throughout each camp. By selecting "Yes" below, I agree that CHBC has my permission to use photos and/or videos which include my camper for promotional and social media use. Should you select "no", every effort will be made to avoid using any close ups where your child may be recognized in camp promotional material. If you have any significant concerns about your child appearing in a large group photo, please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you.

By signing below, I give CHBC permission to seek whatever medical attention is deemed necessary, and release Covenant Heights Bible Camp (CHBC), its staff, and volunteers of any liability against personal losses of the participant named above. I/We, the undersigned, have legal custody of the participant named on this form. I/We understand that there are inherent risks involved in any ministry or athletic event, and I/We release CHBC, its staff, and volunteers from any and all liability for any injury, loss, or damage to person or property that may occur during this event. In the case that the participant is injured and requires the attention of a doctor, I/We consent to the transportation of the participant requiring medical attention. I/We consent to any reasonable medical treatment as deemed necessary by a licensed physician. In the event that treatment is required from a physician and/or hospital personnel designated by CHBC, I/We agree to hold such person free and harmless of any claims, demands, or suits for damages arising from the giving of such consent. I/We affirm that the health insurance information provided is accurate to the best of my/our knowledge. I/We also agree to bring the participant home at my/our expense should they become ill or if deemed necessary by the staff of CHBC if the participant does not abide by our code of conduct.

RegFox Event Registration Software