To register one camper:+ Fill out the form for your camper, click "Save Camper".+ Follow the prompts to complete the registration process.
To register multiple campers in one family:+ Fill out the form for the first camper, click "Save Camper".+ Click the button to "Add another camper".+ Follow the prompts to complete the registration process.
A few things to note:
Questions? Contact: [email protected]
Media Permission
I understand group and activity photos will be taken throughout each camp. By selecting "Yes" below, I agree that CHBC has my permission to use photos and/or videos which include my camper for promotional and social media use. Should you select "no", every effort will be made to avoid using any close ups where your child may be recognized in camp promotional material. If you have any significant concerns about your child appearing in a large group photo, please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you.